Edition #3. For our third installment of the SuperRare DAO Newsletter, we’re excited to shine a light on some pretty momentous SIPs that just passed. With 3 resounding “yes” verdicts on this round of recent proposals, some exciting new changes are brewing. Let’s take a closer look:
Introduction to SuperRare Improvement Proposals
Our commitment to decentralization starts with the DAO. In the spirit of Web3, we envision a community of artists, tastemakers, operators, curators, and collectors to become the agents that establish and define our movement.
For us to get there, we introduced the first building block in the process called the SuperRare Improvement Proposal (SIP). The SIP empowers community members to submit ideas to the DAO to shape the evolution of SuperRare.
We’re excited to share that a few SIPs have recently met quorum and passed overwhelmingly with community support. Two proposals touch on the DAO Treasury: allocating funds to spearhead and outsource development and allocating a portion of the Treasury funds to engage with market markers to provide liquidity and stability. The third proposal adds a parameter to the Space Race to allow SuperRare Labs to elect brand partnerships as a Space regarding strategic business opportunities. You’ll find the full details below:- Can the Devs do Something $RARE?
This SIP proposes allocation of 5M RARE to fund a pool which will be earmarked for product development bounties, the first of which being a replacement product to conduct the Space Race. - Improving $RARE stability
This SIP proposes that up to 30,000,000 $RARE may be allocated from the treasury to engage market makers and liquidity providers to improve liquidity and price stability. - I'll take the Omakase
This SIP proposes that SuperRare Labs may select 1x space operator per month as needed for strategic business development to benefit the network.
Space Race 3 has concluded and we elected ten more community nominated Spaces to the SuperRare ecosystem. A year ago, we set out with the mission and focus to decentralize curation, and since then we added a total of 25 community driven Spaces to the SuperRare network. This marks a tremendous milestone for SuperRare and our community. Check them out below.
Sponsored SIPs
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Proposals that have a sponsorship from the DAO council members.- Donating Commission from the Madonna x Beeple Mother of Creation Auction to non-profit organizations
This SIP proposes that the SuperRare DAO to donate the 55.638Ξ ETH earned as a commission from the auction of the 3 NFTs in Mother of Creation 3 triptych to three nonprofits: The Voices of Children 1, The City of Joy 1, and Black Mama’s Bail Out 2 from the DAO treasury.
SIPs Up For Review
- Gotta Collect All the $RARE
This SIP proposes that the collector royalties be paid in $RARE. - Adopt DAO Council By Laws
This SIP proposes that the RareDAO Foundation (the “Foundation”), the non-profit foundation established for the benefit of the SuperRare DAO (the “DAO”), should adopt official By-Laws to more clearly establish the powers and procedures of the DAO Council. - Revenue and Royalty Splits for Collaborations
This SIP proposes to implement a way to split revenue and royalties between artists' collaboration.
Newly submitted SIPs
New proposals that have been submitted by the community.
- Perform a Token swap between SuperRare DAO and BottoDAO This SIP proposes a token swap between SuperRareDAO and BottoDAO to support a mutual partnership around developing artists on SuperRare and diversify one another’s treasuries.
- SuperRare Collector DAO
This SIP proposes to allocate 1,000,000 $RARE tokens to a 5-member Collector Committee to commission and acquire SuperRare artwork on behalf of the SuperRare DAO.
Newly Launched Spaces
We’re thrilled to share the inaugural launch of SuperRare Spaces. Learn about each Space’s mission and explore the artists and artworks they’re working with so far.
Launched 6/7
DynamoArtFactory - DynamoArtFactory is the digital alter ego of the special project created by Dynamo Camp Onlus. We're one of the first innovative projects to combine exceptional art with social needs: since 2009 famous contemporary artists have spent a whole week at the Camp, during a session with children and families, in order to create art projects with them. Each Artwork contains the spontaneity and imagination typical of children blended with the expressive language and technique of the Artist. The entire amount promoted by the Space will be donated to the activities of Dynamo Camp Onlus, the first Camp in Italy based on Recreational Therapy dedicated to children with rare and chronic diseases.
Listen to Dynamo Art Factory’s launch event: here
Launched 6/14
- Impertinence : the Dada/Punk touch
- References to history : the Doom/Renaissance touch
- Reflection about human/computer interactions : the Computer Touch
Listen to New French Touch launch event: here
Space Race 3 Winners
We’re excited to celebrate the third batch of Space Race winners that have been elected by the community. The third batch of independent galleries on SuperRare will be:
- Chile Con Carne @concarnechile
- Decentral Art Pavillon @FlorenciaBruck
- Verisart @verisart
- Beyond Fragmentation @lifewithart_
- Fellowship @fellowshiptrust
- Art Angels @ArtAngelsLA
- Blackbird @gregcorbeau
- A/V Gallery @Atomic_Visual
- Miyu Gallery @MiyuGallery
- ArtGee @ArtGee15
DAO Treasury Overview
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- The SuperRare Treasury currently holds over 5,849 ETH from all the transaction fees collected on SuperRare since launch. SuperRare DAO Treasury
- We’re excited to share that we’ve integrated with DeepDAO.io to provide a one stop shop to view our DAO finance and governance activities in real time. SuperRare DAO x DeepDAO.io
Upcoming Events
The mission of the SuperRare DAO is to revolutionize the economics of human creativity by building a new art market that everyone can access.
With the DAO, we’ve enabled curators to become Space operators in the SuperRare network to create platforms for artists that are defining the Digital Renaissance.
And with the $RARE token, we're supercharging our community with voting power to help shape the future of art and culture.